Deuzear - VrChat - Protozear set
This is an addon for the Deuzear ONLY, it does not come with the avatar and must be bought separatly ! >>
Ever wanted some futuristic gadget on your Deuzear ? this set is for you !
Enhance your 4 eared boi with the brand new Protozear attires .
- Headset
- Body armor
- Leg armor
- Arm braces
- Sword
- Shield
- Realtime Map
- Physical buttons & animated visors
- Full viseme and gestures
- Dynamic map system & Weapon system
- Defense system
This set comes with a custom toggle HUD system, it scales properly on any VR Headset and feature the following :
- Weapon system info
- Mic level
- Time in session
- Wireframe view
- Fullbright view
- Predator view
- Minimap
- Compass
One Click import with the Deuzear tool !
Due to the nature and features of this set, it makes the avatar unoptimized, it's not compatible for quest and most features are meant for PCVR use
Credits Goes to Ikeiwa for making the HUD, Blade and Shield custom shaders.
to Theghost87 for making the togles systems and most of the Unity Heavy lifting.
to Killers0992 for adding the feature to import this set with the Deuzear tool !
You can find more of ikeiwa's work here >>> Ikeiwa's Twitter
Theghost87 does Unity work commission for any model ! >>> Theghost87 Website
Disclaimer !
This content falls under the same TOS as the Deuzear !
It's not meant to use with DeuzearUwU ( you know, the spicy versions )
Full Visor doesn't have face tracking !
Protozear set - Deuzear not included